Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Health And Fitness.xwsw

Qigong- Gaining Popularity In The West

Imagine being able to heal yourself and others. That is exactly what is happening with an ancient healing art called Qigong. Finding its roots five thousand years ago in Chinese medicine and the marit...


Cure Acid Reflux and Your Gall Bladder Will Thank You

There is a close association with the problem of acid reflux and your gall bladder. As it is the bile that this part of your body stores, which will normally be released back in to the esophagus beca...


Is Stop Smoking Natural Way Good Idea?

An easy way to stop smoking? If you have already tried a variety of aids, and you have tried many kind without any help at all, it should not be that hard.

To be able to stop smoking you need ...


Adult ADHD - What is Adult ADHD Really

Whilst ADHD seems to be a condition that afflicts children mainly, it also occurs in a minority of adults. These individuals are usually highly intelligent, and it can be a frustrating and dishearteni...


Use of Trasylol Increases Risk of Death, Stroke in Patients

A blood-controlling agent used during heart bypass and heart-related surgeries has been allegedly found to increase a patients chance of developing heart disease, stroke and could eventually lead to d...


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