Friday, April 11, 2008

Health And Fitness.hlmy

The Concept Of Medical Tourism

Medical tourism is the act of traveling to other nations to obtain medical, services. The concept medical tourism was initially coined by the travel agencies and the media as a catchall phrase to describe a fast growing industry where people travel to different nations to obtain medical services.


Reservatrol Info - The Findings Of Research Into Resveratrol

There has been several studies concerning mice, flies and worms concerning the impact of Resveratrol, which is found in red grapes. According to Dr Rafael de Cabo, from the National Institute on Aging at Harvard Medical School, USA,: "After six months, resveratrol essentially prevented most of the negative effects of the high calorie diet in mice."


Q-Link - Effective And Reliable Electromagnetic Protection

You should consider getting a piece of q-link jewelry for yourself if you work with computers or other electronics. This type of jewelry protects the wearer from electromagnetic frequencies emitted by every electronic device. Electromagnetic frequencies can have serious effects on the human body, so there are many benefits to the protection this jewelry provides.


10 Quick And Easy Ways To Improve Your Health NOW

This article will show you 10 quick and easy ways to improve your health starting right this very minute! Simple, everyday things you can do to improve the quality of your life!


Military Cord Blood Banking

A cord blood storage program for wounded military. For wounded veterans, this program will store cord blood from their babies, with the hope that future medical advancements may be able to use these stem cells to bring healing to the soldiers.


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