Thursday, January 31, 2008

Health And Fitness.isqg

Massage Treatments For Cellulite

The cellulite massage is performed that help reducing the overall cellulite features from the body. If the massage is done orderly, it helps dissolving the fatty layers underneath the skin that give raise to cellulite condition.


Low GI Diet Foods

The glycemic index or GI is a way of ranking the types of foods which contain carbohydrates that affect your blood glucose levels. If the GI score is 55 or less it is low, if it is 56 to 69 it is medium and anything above 70 is high. The lower the score, the better and here is a list of low GI diet foods.


Are You A Skinny Muscle Person?

You see them everywhere in advertising. Muscled, buffed, smooth hard bodies are promoting everything thing from cars, tools and even beer. We are bombarded by the advertisements, visuals and suggestions that our lives will be forever changed if we only had that body. Build bigger muscles in 10 minutes a day and you too will rock. What most advertisements and weight loss systems fail to tell you is not everyone's body is the same!


Living A Healthy Life - 6 Point Checklist To Empower Yourself

Can not getting enough sleep make you gain weight? Can eating better and drinking water truly help me focus more? Read how to take care of your health in very simple ways. Take care of yourself and everything else will fall into place!


Metabolism Boosters - Natural Ways To Boost Your Metabolism

Many dieters search for metabolism boosters and with good reason after all the speed of our metabolism will determine how quickly we will lose weight. However buying magic pills isn't the answer especially when several natural methods work far better.


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