Thursday, October 25, 2007

Health And Fitness.fwaf

Nutritional Therapy for Diabetes Patient

Nutritional therapy for patients with diabetes has undergone several changes since the first precalculated meal plans and exchange lists were created in the 1950s. These early plans called for a 40% c...


For Lasting Vision And Healthy Eyes

Eat plenty of spinach (full of beta carotene), citrus (for vitamin C), nuts (for vitamin E) and lean beef (for zinc) now. An organic diet consisting of such food items ...


Adapt To The Stresses Of Life With Herbal Adaptogens

Life today places a number of different types of stresses upon us. There are the normal stresses of living, of facing problems at work, financial worries and family stresses. Schedules are becoming ...


Herbal Viagra: Boost your sexual performance

Viagra is mostly taken by healthy males who can achieve an erection but want to enhance sexual enjoyment. For these men taking Viagra is a quality-of-life issue, not a medical one. In this sense, V...


Cutting Away Pain: Teen Depression and Pain Displacement

There has been an increase of reported incidences of young adults abusing their bodies when they feel depressed. These kids say that if they don't hurt themselves, they might "lose it". Why ...


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